The Language of Making Web Pages, HTML Language

Jose Simpton

Some people work as web designers. They provide us with various gorgeous web pages. They use web pages. Show us numerous information and knowledge. The production and design of web pages are very important. Sometimes a product sells like hot cakes. The reason is not just the attractive performance. Great performance can attract consumers. The promotion of the product is very important too. Some people want to sell their products well. They have to look at the attraction of web pages. How do the producers make web pages, in other words? In what language do they used to make web pages? Today we will briefly introduce the following language. HTML language, it is for making web pages.

What kind of language is HTML? There is a most common saying. You open a web page. Click the right mouse button anywhere on the web page. Select "View Source File". After clicking, you will open a stuff in the form of Notepad. It is full of HTML code. Code is its core content for learning web page making. This is the basis of learning web page making.

HTML is Hypertext Marked Language. It is a language used to mark hypertext documents. Hypertext documents written in HTML language are called HTML text. HTML text is descriptive text composed of HTML commands. HTML commands can describe many things. Like text, graphics, animations, sounds, tables, links, etc. Since 1990, HTML has been the information representation language of World Wide Web. It can describe the format design of Homepage and its connection information with other Homepages on WWW. Files described in HTML need WWW browser to display. The so-called hypertext means it can transfer from one file to another. It can add pictures, sounds, animation, movies, and other content. The HTML connect to files on hosts around the world.

HTML language is the most basic knowledge of making web pages. It is the most difficult to master. Mastering the HTML language can use the Internet tools at hand. You can make your favorite web pages. Draw your own network pictures. Learn HTML well help you a lot. You can edit the homepage, write ASP or PHP code with it.

Here are a few simple phrases to summarize what the HTML language is.

1) HTML is a language used to describe web pages.

2) HTML refers to Hypertext Markup Language: Hyper Text Markup Language.

3) HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language. It is a set of markup tags.

4) HTML use tag tags to describe Web page.

5) HTML document contain HTML tags and text content.

6) HTML document are also called web page.